
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm back, bitches…

…and I still don't know everything, but I'm working on it. (What if A had said that?) Happy happy day - PLL returns for season three tonight on ABCFamily at 8:00 pm (I don't even work for them, so why the plug? I don't know, I'm just me.). Even happier - I'm back and better than ever! After 3 amazing weeks galavanting around Europe, I'm back in (what now seems only adequate) Southern California. 

First let's recap PLL's Season 2 Finale. Mona is A. Bo-ring. We knew it. Recap over. [To be fair, I actually care a great deal about this, but to spare you all I won't go into further details.]

It's going to take me multiple posts to recap my life in Europe. I have a lot of great stories and a few not-so-great ones. Naturally, the not-so-great ones are much more humorous, but we'll get to those in upcoming posts. Even though I still don't know everything, here is a list of things that I now know after traveling a bit.

1) If you speak in another language with confidence, the person will answer you in that language and expect you to understand. It doesn't matter if you only know how to say that one thing you already said - it seems like you know more. For example, in Spain I asked a lady how to get somewhere. She gave me a very very long speech which I only understood because of the hand gestures she used.

1a) Hand gestures are more useful than you think.

2) There are douche bags all over the world. And they all read the same "How to Get a Girl" books. And they all use the same lines.

3) A lot of British people don't know who Sophia Grace and Rosie are. That was a huge disappointment.


Crap, I thought this list would be a lot longer. Oh well.

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