
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


So apparently guys find it sexy when a girl goes commando (I know this because of "Friends". Let's face it, I know most things because of "Friends").  If this is not true and just a "Friends" thing, please let me know. It would save me a lot of future embarrassment.
"Maybe if I wasn't going commando. I tell ya, it's 
hot with all this stuff on. I better not do any lunges."
"The One Where No One's Ready" 
Junior year of college while moving out of my apartment with the help of two friends, one male, I announced I was not wearing any underwear. This was meant to be a statement of fact and not a turn on in any way (which it was not because I hadn't showered or brushed my hair). Joan was there and her eyes got super wide. So I explained why I wasn't wearing undies, because the explanation would make everything better. It was twenty four hours before I trekked back to my parent's house and I was not making a special trip to the laundromat just for a pair of undies. So, seeing as I had no clean undies, nakie-ness was the next option.

Joan already knew I was a weirdo and she seemed okay with it - we had signed a lease for an apartment together for the next year. Mid senior year just when I thought I was still the weirdest Joan arrives home from class during a rain storm, clothes soaking wet, to prove me wrong. I had competition. The front door closes and seconds later as Joan walks up the stairs she screams "I'm just warning you I have no pants on! I'm in my house and they are off!" At least she was wearing underwear. 

If you're wondering if I'm wearing underwear right now, you're a sick sick sicko (thanks, Rachel Green!). But yes, I am wearing underwear. I always wear underwear. Because I have laundry facilities in my building now and I have no excuse for avoiding it. 

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