
Monday, June 11, 2012

Napping isn't just for children!

My mom and I are very similar. If we're tired we need a nap and we can't go on without one. After the festival I met my mom in Barcelona for a little vacation time. Our second day there we walked a few miles to a shopping area. We had lunch and walked into a mall when I suddenly got very very tired. I sat down and fell asleep...for over an hour. In the middle of a crowded mall. Apparently some little boys made fun of me and my mom laughed with them. I guess I sleep in a position that I can only describe as "Tebowing while sitting down" and these boys masterfully mimicked me.

Then I woke up and got out of that mall as fast as possible. I'm pretty sure melatonin was seeping through the walls and making me sleepy.

After a few days in Barcelona we went to London. Our first day there I insisted on shopping and walking the extent of both Oxford Street and Regent Street. At some point during our first trip down Regent Street my mom got really tired and needed to take a nap. She chose the best place in the whole world to do this - Gilly Hicks. If you don't know what Gilly Hicks is, it's a weird love child of Abercrombie and Hollister. Gilly smells equally as overwhelming and is just as dimly lit as his parents. He's a little bit of a slut - half naked male and female models are all over the damn store. (Some of them should not talk. They did not come off very intelligent even though the British accent was sexy as hell.

I would have been really angry at my mom for sleeping in the middle of a store had I not made her watch me sleep in the middle of a mall less than 48 hours prior. I do, however, ask that next time she needs a nap break she pick something a little less terrifying. Maybe Starbucks. Or even...I don't know. Just not anything that smells that bad. When we walked back outside after her nap it was like seeing sunlight for the first time. My eyes couldn't adjust and I kept seeing spots everywhere. How are you supposed to shop in a store when you can't see what you're looking at? 

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