
Monday, June 25, 2012

"The Real OC" seems a little...fake.

Yesterday I sat on my couch as this little cutie snuggled me. Never really thrilled about dogs, this little guy is very sweet. He doesn't bark, doesn't jump, and doesn't like to play. He's literally a dream. And his name is Walter. With him by my side I decided to watch some episodes of my once favorite show - Laguna Beach. 

Within two minutes of watching an episode I questioned my early high school years. What did I love about this show? These people didn't live the most normal lives. Most of the girls chomp on gum like…I don't know. Like something. But in the midst of completely rethinking my decision making skills I heard a few lines that made me thing "WTF yo?" 

At the beginning of "What Happens in Cabo…" LC and Jen Bunney are walking and Jen explains, "I stepped on the $200 straightener. I don't put it away for once. My mom fires our maid because she stole all our silverware so I'm a little unused to cleaning up for myself."  First concern, why is your straightener on the floor? Regardless of price, that should not be on the floor. Second, I feel like silverware is a very interesting thing for the maid to steal. She probably should've gone after something equally or more valuable, but something that was less likely to be noticed. 

So then they're in Cabo, because that's where all high school students go for spring break trips (not to forget, they stayed at an unrealistically nice hotel). And Lo announces "I went to Cabo to get away from the drama, but it followed us." When I need to get away from drama I find new friends. Sometimes. Or I just sit in my room alone and try to sort out my own shit before I try dealing with anyone else's. Also, Lo, if you wanted to get away from drama you probably shouldn't have travelled with the drama-creators.

Lo appears to be the most "normal" when she tells LC she's never been to a concert before ("The Best Part of Breaking Up…"). She and LC then argue over who gets to take CMM to prom (yeah it's a ridiculous expectation but we've all fantasized about our celebrity prom date. Mine? Doug Brochu). Also, Lo's dad wouldn't let her go to Catalina because there wouldn't be any parents. Sounds like a really respectable guy.

After the Blink 182 concert a midget calls the girls sluts and then threatens to fight Trey. There's a lot wrong with this but mostly it's just funny.

And the prom episode, filled with more Prom-posals than actual prom dancing. Deiter and Jessica, cute. Gary and Morgan, adorable. Stephen and Kristin? CREEPY. So first he leaves her anonymous computer typed notes with her name misspelled and she thinks she has a stalker. Then for the big reveal he leaves roses on her front doorstep (sweet!) and climbs through trees and bushes and over the fence into her backyard and gets into the house. Kristin, Stephen is a creepy stalker. He's friends with your brother, Mike and it would have been less sketchy to ask Mike to be let in - through the front door. 

Pre-prom LC, Lo and Jen go to pick up Morgan, Christina and Kristin and "lo"and behold Lo and Morgan are wearing different dresses, in different colors, but with the same pattern. They joke about it, but behind Morgan's back Lo announces "she [Morgan] is a whore." I don't understand the progression, but I do understand the frustration. I showed up to my senior prom wearing the same dress as another girl. My whole graduating class was under 70 people. But wearing the same dress makes someone a whore? I'm really a confused...

And then the good cast members went to college and Season 2 began with the terrible people. Then Season 3 was comprised of completely new people. But then MTV decided to make the same show, but call it "Newport Harbor". The difference in the shows? The city. 

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