
Thursday, June 7, 2012

"Getting Lucky" and other things you say that confuse me

Apparently you get lucky when you have sex but also when you win on the slots. How do you tell the difference when it's said in conversation? What if someone means they had sex and you respond with "OMG HOW MUCH DID YOU WIN?!" And then it spirals out of control.

They think I asked how many times they had sex, to which they reply some number that's pretty solid in terms of sex but really weak for winning on the slots. But now think of it in reverse - they won on the slots and they think you asked about sex. Awkwardddd. 

I was curious to find out what other people thought it meant so I asked BFF David (he picked his own code name and I don't really like it. Sorry.) He's really classy so I'm just gonna tell you his response straight up: "they boned. depends on the person. if they are liars it means they got the old hj". He holds nothing back. 

So I asked my brother (who has asked to be called Jingleheimer Miboobiefarty*) because I felt like it. "he probably got his hands on the new, hard-to-find party drug, "lucky". I thought he was serious and wanted to know what this new drug was that I hadn't heard of. (Note to ya'll who don't know me: I don't know about drugs. I still don't know which you snort and which you shoot. You shoot hoops - that's what I know.) Well, he was joking. Unless neither of us know about this new drug. Someone please enlighten me. 

There are a lot of other phrases that make no sense. Or maybe they do make sense and I just don't understand them. 

1) "Bingo bango." I've heard people say this. I don't know what they're trying to tell me. 
2) "Bat shit." Have you ever had a bat poop on you? Do bats poop? How can someone go "bat shit crazy"?
3) "Tits McGee." That's an unfortunate first name to have.
4) "The bee's knees." Wait. What? Bees have knees? New information!
5) "YOLO!" You sound ridic. Shut it.

Things I suggest you say in place of the above phrases:

1) "Whoa!" or "That's all, folks!" I don't know what the exact translation is. 
2) "Insane."
3) I still don't know what this means so I have no suggestions.
4) "The flower's pollen" or "The tree's sap". Don't say either of those. Just smile and say you like it. Simplicity is key. 
5) "You only live once." It's four words, it doesn't need an abbreviation. Also, depending on your beliefs you may live multiple times and it's really hard to say YLMT.

Bingo bango, ya'll. I gots work to do and YOLO! -Tits McGee

*He's a week shy of 21 years old.

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