
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Like the Craigslist killer, but different

Craig has the potential to be a very sketchy man. Not all the time, but the possibility always looms. I was apartment hunting and took Kitty (a person) with me for safety. Most of the places were quite legit and safe and blah blah blah. And then we went to the illegit place. This is a true story about the time Craig failed me and almost got away with murder. 

On the phone with the landlord days before actually visiting, he told me he wouldn't be there to let me in "but the door inside from the garage will be unlocked. Just go in, it's apartment 3." Sketchy, but the pics of the place were nice and worth seeing in person.

So Kitty and I make our way down the street and come to find the door from the garage is more accurately a door from the alley. We're already unimpressed with this place, but we're here and might as well take a look at the apartment. 

The door is unlocked and we venture in, shutting the door behind us. I repeatedly say, "This place is a shit hole." So less than one minute later we're ready to leave and we're stuck. The door has locked from the inside and we can't get out. I'm not joking. We were locked inside the sketchiest apartment ever. 

The window was open so I popped out the screen, climbed out the window and unlocked the door. This is not a joke. I had to climb out of a window - and nothing was on fire.

We couldn't run away because Kitty has a swollen ankle, sustained from hardcore soccer playing. Girl is a true athlete. So we slowly walked away from our near death experience.

Yes, we escaped physically intact, but emotionally neither of us will ever be the same. 

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