
Friday, June 15, 2012

This is a surprise...

Today is my little brother's 21st birthday and in honor of this joyous occasion I'm going to tell some fun stories about him.

Last night I texted him "happy birthday" at midnight. To which he replied "thank you! happy birthday to you too!"

When we were really little we were playing on the roof of our plastic log cabin in the backyard when a plane flew overhead. Both of us were convinced it was only a few feet above us and we almost touched the wheels. Our parents have tried to convince us ever since that the plane was high up in the sky and we would not have touched it. Jingleheimer Miboobiefarty and I will believe, for the rest of our lives, that even though no one else agrees, that plane was touchable. 

Brother forgets important birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. Last month I called home to see if my mom had gotten my mother's day gift and brother says "Mom, did you get our gift?" OUR. OUR GIFT. 

Even though I'm the "big sister" he used to beat me up a lot. He used to video tape me while I cried which made everything exponentially worse - this occurred multiple times. A few days ago he IMed me code for pooping. Like it was a computer program. It was special.  There was the time we made rock candy at 1am. He refuses to watch "Arrested Development" with me but he'll scream "STEVE HOLT!" like he knows what he's talking about. 

I was 19 and in the heart of my scriptwriting obsession. I was home from college on winter break and had poster boards filled with loglines and story arcs. Brother walked in and asked if he could help, so I told him to write some story ideas down on index cards. He quickly comes back to me and hands me something that reads "A boy who communicates with spirits that don't know they're dead seeks the help of a disheartened child psychologist." I smiled and said, "This is great! But it sounds a lot like 'The Sixth Sense', have you heard of it?" He said he hadn't and I began a long rant on why he needs to see it ASAP, giving detailed information on every plot point. He listened to me for at least five minutes before he finally said, "I just copied that synopsis from IMDB" and then burst into laughter. 

But here's my all time favorite and one that he probably doesn't remember, but it's perfect for a 21st birthday story. You're welcome in advance, brother. 

He was around 3 years old and I was 5. Our bedroom doors are directly across from each other so out parents use to sit in the hall between the rooms...for fun. No, I don't know why they did that. One night there was a towel on the floor "connecting" our doorways and we crawled on it in between rooms. And then brother threw up on the towel (nice!) AND on my favorite book. 

Happy birthday, brother. Please don't throw up on any books (or people) tonight. Love you tons!

Now here's the SURPRISE! I got in touch with a bunch of brother's friends and asked them to jot down a few funny stories for this. Here ya go: [Everything is word for word from the friends except I changed his real name to his name of choice.]

Pic courtesy of Kelsey
There was that one time where me and him went through a "5 year phase" of making ridiculous videos. One of which was a nature documentary not long after my family got Eddie [dog]. Jingleheimer Miboobiefarty was holding the camera and Eddie who must have been all of 2 years old and 14 pounds knocks him over and you hear Jingleheimer Miboobiefarty screaming OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD EDDIE NO NO NO EDDIE OW! and eddie is just 
growling. i have vowed to send that video into americas funniest home videos for years now.
because all you see is the camera moving wildly and you can only hear what is unfolding and at one point eddies open mouth pops into the corner.
Pic courtesy of Kelsey

We made an iron chef parody where i filmed and Jingleheimer Miboobiefarty confronted my mom in the kitchen and screamed out every small thing she was doing. "SHE IS SLICING THE TOMATOES SLICING THE TOMATOES I CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SAW!"

There are so many other stories its like a whirlwind, he is definitely one of the most imaginative and creative people i have ever known. It was never a dull moment growing up with Jingleheimer Miboobiefarty for all those years. He was my best friend back then and even though we dont see each nearly as much as we used to, when we get together it is like nothing has changed.

Pic courtesy of Alisha

super speed shower races

He's done fake science experiments in our bathroom a few times.
He seriously loves to talk about pooping. 
And the best is when he went through his parkour phase and seriously parkoured in our honors lounge.

One time, he had me cut a full plaster cast off his arm with a scissor and xacto knife. I was certain that I was going to stab him, but he is a very trusting boy indeed.
He spent many, many minutes pondering what the world would be like if everything was nipples.

just ABBY
THE TIME HE CUT MY HAIR! i mean, i asked him for a trim and he cut off like 5 inches and said "i think that's the worst i've ever done anything!"

i dont know if i have anything specifically but he is a weirdo for sure

Pic courtesy of Kelsey

Check out his blog here

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