
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ten on Tuesday!

Hey ya'll! So I've decided that once in awhile I'm going to do TWO POST TUESDAYS! where one of the posts is a TEN ON TUESDAY! Today's set of questions I got from Chelsea at
Each time I do a TEN ON TUESDAY I'll pull questions from different sites, but you know what the best is? When you guys send them in! If you have a fun list of questions (or just one question) leave it in a comment below or tweet it at me @mynaytcha!


BSB on "Sabrina"
1. Which boy band was your favorite and your favorite song?'
I was a BSB girl. Nick Carter? Wanted to marry him. I loved "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)". (I hate when song titles are partially in parentheses.)
2. Your favorite spice girl?
Scary! I used to dress up as her at my Spice Girls parties - which I had quite frequently.
3. Did you ever try the orbit drink?
I have no idea what this question means.
4. What brand of clothing were you in to?
Limited Too!! I loved my grey sweatshirt with the puffy orange LTD2 embroidery. In fifth grade we'd wear them every Monday. Seriously.
Britney on"Sabrina"
5. Did you watch TGIF?
YES! I had a sleepover party once and I stopped our movie to watch Sabrina. 
6. What news story in the 90′s do you recall?
Columbine shootings.
7. List which you think had the best talent. Jessica Simpson, Mandy Moore, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera.
I own at least one album from each of them. I was a big Britney fan. I had a poster of her in my room. 
8. Did Marilyn Manson creep you out?
9. Who was your BFF?
Well over 10 years I had quite a few. Brett, Adam, Emily, Alex, Sam, Jennie, Elyse, Alex, Lauren, Stacy, Sarah, Kim, Carly. There are a lot more, but I'm gonna stop because I'm boring myself. 
10. A picture of you in the 90′s.

Apparently my taste was quite similar to that of the "Sabrina" producers. 

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