
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Are You There God? It's Me, Melissa!

Last Saturday I ventured into Hollywood for a play. I try to go into Hollywood as infrequently as possible - it's crowded and crazy and most people are dressed as different movie characters trying to take pics with your kids for money. People in costume terrify me. But I had heard great things about the play and I was going with friends so I took a deep breath and drove into the mess. As I neared the theater, I spotted something. Something...interesting. There, on the corner of Santa Monica and Vine was something I never thought I would see. It. Was. Jesus. 

I'm serious. Jesus was standing on the street corner waving and praying at passerbys in cars. First of all, his outfit was quite accurate. Second, this got me thinking about my childhood when  I imagined what God would look like. I pictured a really tall dude with a really long beard. Think Dumbeldore. I pictured walking past him in the shopping mall. He'd be walking past the candle store with his daughter, who was my age, on his shoulders. Bet you didn't know God had a daughter! But this candle store - it wasn't a Yankee Candle store or anything like that. It was one of those weird ones with rainbow colored candles in all different shapes and designs. Like pyramids. Or frogs. And God was just strolling right by it. Yes, this is what I envisioned as a six year old. 

Now, when I saw Jesus on Saturday I mentioned this to my friends who thought I was crazy until other friends arrived who also saw him. This got us thinking. Where has he been hiding all this time? I'm pretty confident that when the candle store closed he disappeared with it. Now, I haven't been back to that mall in many many years, but maybe the store reopened and with that came Jesus. Someone else suggested he was just a regular man in costume but I don't buy that for one second. Why wasn't his daughter there, on his shoulders?

Sup God? What happened to your daughter?

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