
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ten On Tuesday (3)!

Since no one sends me Ten on Tuesday questions, I have forced Matilda to write some. She could only think of five. I really like them. Keep it up, Matilda!

1. would you rather have sex with aunt jemima or mr clean?
tough one. good pancakes vs knowing you can't get an STD. also, woman vs. man. 

2. have you ever been so scared your peed your pants?

3. what is your favorite food since you like to eat so much?
I love french fries. I love turkey. I really like french fries.

4. what is your fav talk show?

5. how high are your highest shoes?
i'll guess...4.5"?

This next one came from an anonymous commenter!
6. How many highlighters are at your desk right now?
fourrrr. two yellow, one blue, one pink. 

I wrote these last four.
7. Who is the second to last person to call you?
My momma.

8. Are you listening to music right now?
yep! my Teddy Goldstein station on Pandora

9. What's under your bed?
some suitcases/bags, my external hard drive, some secrets...

10.How many keys on your key ring?

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