
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ten on Tuesday (2)!

Here's another TEN ON TUESDAY. Again, these are from Roots and Rings.  Remember, you can submit questions too! You can comment below (or on any post) to ask a question. I have to approve them first, so you can write "_____? Please don't post this." So I'll have your question and I won't post the comment. I'll mark it as spam or something. 

1. How do you feel about Groundhog’s Day?
I hate that movie. And I don't understand the "holiday" either. Why get so worked up over it? It's cold, it's hot, it's in between. Weather. 
2. What color are your fingernails right now? (Bonus points if you include a picture.)
Turquoise and Caicos by Essie!
Yes, it's chipping. Shhh.
3. Do you like riddles?
Um. I guess I don't. Because whenever someone asks/tells me one I don't even think I just say "I don't know" and wait for the answer.
4. When you were 10, how old did you think “old” was? At your current age, how old do you think “old” is?
I don't remember. Maybe 50? Now I think 90 -- but it definitely depends on the person. I have a great-aunt in her 90s who acts like she's 20 - she's not old!
5. Do you wish on stars?
6. Do you recycle?
7. On a scale from 1-10, how good of a cook are you?
Um. I'll say 7. I've come a long way in the past two years. I asked a roommate if I could use olive oil in my cookies. I could not. 
8. Do you color your hair? Professionally or at home?
I do, but only once in awhile. At home. With a boxed kit. That I will only buy if it is on sale AND if I have a coupon. 
9. One a scale from 1-10, how do you rate your manners?
7. I need to stop talking with my mouth full. (YOU SEE THIS, MOTHER?)
10. Who are the last 5 people you have texted?
If twitter doesn't count... (yes, I text twitter to tweet from my phone because i don't gots one of them smarties)
1. Mike
2. Sarah
3. Gabby
4. Kelsey
5. Chris

1 comment:

  1. How many highlighters are at your desk right now?
