
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Give me back my pants, you thief!

I like all the seasons equally. I really do. I also hate them all equally.

Summer. I hate you, east coast summer. Your 108 degree nonsense PLUS humidity is just unfair. I don't know who you're trying to kill, but chances are you've killed the wrong person with heat stroke and left your target frolicking through sprinklers. Or lounging by one of their many pools.


West coast summer, I'm finding you quite manageable once again.

But no matter where you are in summer, one thing will always follow you. Shorts/skirts/other things that aren't pants. Don't get me wrong, I love my skirts and shorts. What I don't love is remembering to shave my legs, or taking that extra five minutes in the shower to actually do it (when I remember, of course). 

My office has no air conditioning, so even if I wanted to I couldn't wear my pants. For the third day in a row I'm wearing a skirt paired with my unshaven legs. I promise you it isn't gross! But still, I feel like a social law breaker.

Not shaving my legs is also the reason I never was, and will never be, a cheerleader. For that reason only. 

I was a cheerleader for Halloween one year. I was still too young to shave my legs. That's why I could pull it off. 

This post wasn't funny. Sorry.

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