
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ten On Tuesday (4)!

Whoa, I haven't done a Ten On Tuesday since JULY! Thanks, Chelsea!

1. What is your favorite Pixar movie? Have you seen all of them?
I'm gonna say it's a toss up between "Monsters, Inc." and "Up". And no, I haven't seen them all.
2. Do you enjoy soccer?
I do! Matilda makes me.
3. Are you musical?
I thought this said "are you a musical?". I am not a musical. And I like to sing in the car, but I'm not good. So yes, I am musical.
4. How many push-ups can you do?
In a row? Or in life? Either way I'll say 8.
5. Did you have braces when you were younger?
6. Summer or winter? Coffee or tea? Wedges or flats?
Winter. Coffee. Wedges.
7. Do you buy new or used cars?
8. Are you afraid of needles?
askdhasldkhasldkh. hyperventilating. yes.
9. Do you get cranky when you’re tired or hungry?
10. Write your newest favorite recipe.
Cowboy Chicken! I found out about it from this amazing cooking blog. (I've also guest posted on there a few times! Thanks, A!) I didn't have a crockpot, but I bought a small one for under $10 at Target. 

4-6 chicken breasts
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoons Dijon Mustard
2 cups salsa (any type - I use mango or pineapple for a little kick)
1 (15 ounce) can corn, drained 
1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed 
½ cup sour cream (plus extra for serving)
Brown rice (for serving)

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