
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy January 17th! - A "Celebration"

Why is it called Sundance if it's in the winter and there is snow? Is there dancing?

Happy January 17th! Today is the first day of the Sundance Film Festival! It is also the day designated to ditch New Year's Resolutions! So, by default, today is the day I will resume going to the gym on a regular basis.  Hopefully by now the crowd has died down and I'll be back to seeing the regulars I know and love...and have to smell, in the locker room.

Why do we make resolutions, fully aware that we'll break them? Why do people make promises they can't keep? The answer to both is: a mystery. I don't know the answer.

I made a few resolutions, some I know I will keep longer than others. But that said, I don't expect any of my resolutions to last the whole year.

I think I'll start making monthly resolutions. On the first of every month, as I part ways with my beloved rent money, I'll make monthly goals. My first goal for every month - pay rent on the first of every month. I'm off to a good start.

Also today, Maury Povich is 74 years old! I still want to be on his show. Although you never really hear "you ARE the mother!". So I guess my dream is stifled. 

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