
Monday, January 28, 2013

My Sabbatical Hiatus Break

As I'm sure no one noticed because no one reads my blog, I only had two posts last week. That's right, I fell short of my New Years resolution and it's only January. I could easily ramble off the list of things that kept me from writing, but I won't. Because I don't want to. 

But to jump back to my post "Did you know...?" sometimes I just don't have the motivation to write. Seeing as I'm not being paid to post on here (which I should be...because... because.), I find no obligation to force myself to write when I'm not feeling particularly inspired.

Like everyone, sometimes I need some "alone" time. That's alone, away from my thoughts and the pressures of life (including the pressures I put on myself), alone.

I'm getting my head back on and I have a bunch of posts in the works that will be up as soon as I'm up. Me up spirit wise, posts up on here. Look for some DIY Tutorials in the next few weeks (I replaced my writing time with a lot of arts and crafts)! 

As always, if you have comments, questions or suggestions, hit me up:

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