
Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Phantom Of The Fire Alarm

Ever since I was a child I've had very vivid dreams. I've also always been a very heavy sleeper. It's nearly impossible to wake me up and if you succeed, I'll greet you with some curses.  Or I'll lunge at you and chase you down the hallway. Both of those scenarios have happened. 

A few weeks ago I startled awake to the sound of the fire alarm going off. Three blasts and then it shut off. I didn't smell any smoke and no one was screaming so I decided to go back to sleep. It was a quite a shock that I woke, seeing as I've slept through many a smoke detector beeping.

In the morning I asked my roommate if he heard it. He hadn't. I thought maybe he just slept through it, so I brushed it off. Later in the day I ran into the building manager and another tenant. Upon asking them if they heard the fire alarm, one gave me a very strange look and the other asked if I had been dreaming. Apparently it was a dream. Crap.

The night after that we had a 3.8 earthquake.  For Los Angeles that's pretty low, but still enough that you'd notice it. I slept through it. 

Two nights ago (Tuesday) I was getting ready for bed when I got a frantic text about an earthquake. A 4.4 that I didn't feel. Yesterday I got to work to find there was another 4.4 quake at 9:30am while I was getting ready for work, which I also didn't feel.

Apparently I wake up to phantom fire alarms but sleep through natural disasters. Fix me. 

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