
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Let Me Look Into Your Mind

My mother just admitted I was psychic rather than admitting she was wrong.  Seriously. I promptly told her how ridiculous she sounded, but no, she was still right and thus I was psychic. 

Perhaps I should back up.

In a previous phone call with my mother I reminded her of someone's birthday and then continued with, "it's also Aunt Hope's birthday." Apparently this was a weird thing from me to know seeing as I never had much contact with Aunt Hope (she's my great aunt). I told my mom I knew this because I had seen it on her calendar when I was a child, to which mom said she had NEVER had Aunt Hope's birthday on her calendar, nor did she know it. So in attempt to prove my awesomeness, or "birthday psychicism" as I've come to call it, I phoned my Grandma who confirmed it was, in fact, Aunt Hope's birthday. So I called my mother back to tell her this and she continued to insist that I couldn't have ever seen that on her calendar. Thus, my psychic prophecy began.

A few days after that incident I was out with a friend I hadn't seen in years and randomly asked if his birthday was on a certain date -- it was. How did I remember it? I'm the birthday psychic.

This weekend I asked my roommate's brother if his birthday was February 7th. Right again. Somebody save me from my own amazingness!

I do have to admit I haven't honed my talent too finely yet -- I can't perform on command. I tried and I failed. In due time, friends, in due time.

But I won't disappoint, so one final guess. Your birthday is in May. May 18th, possibly? 

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