
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

NM U? K.

I WILL NOT SURRENDER, but I'm very guilty (can you be very guilty?) of using abbreviations in written conversation. And unfortunately sometimes in spoken conversation. With help from the always brilliant Matilda I've compiled a list of frequently used abbrevs. Naturally I've included my opinion on each - and the real meaning. Don't BRB me. You don't know what you've just said.

LOL No, you are not laughing. / Little Old Ladies
BRB I don't believe you. BBL is more approps. / Big round butt.
LMAO I'd say the chance that you're laughing you ass off is pretty slim (unlike your ass). If your ass is falling off, I doubt you're laughing.  / Lonely Men And Others
YOLO Phoebe Buffay would disagree. / Yesterday our lake overflowed!
TTYL I'll probably never hear from you again. / The transvestite yelled loudly.
WTF If you're gonna curse, spell the whole GD word. / Why the face? (Thanks, Phil Dunphy!)
WTH Again, either curse or don't say it. / Wealthy trust holder.
YASHDYSU This is too long. / You are so, how do you say...ughh!
GTG Just go, don't tell me. You're wasting time. / Gross tissue, girl.
ROTFL Your friends and parents are about to have you committed. / Running on the flat land. 
SMH Or you could say "I don't agree" or "I disapprove". / Smelly man hands.
ILY/ILU If you loved me you'd spell all the words.  / If ladders yelped.  I lost unicorns. 
OMG I don't know what happened, but it's probably not as tragic as you think. / Offered me gold. 

Ready? Set? Decipher!
Today I saw three LOL but only one of them had a BRB. The BRB OMG. And did I tell you YOLO? Franklin was pretty upset so I said "WTF?" He got pissed off and screamed "YASHDYSU!" like he was a twelve year old girl. And then I went to the grocery store and the homeless guy with SMH was crying so I gave him a tissue and he said "GTG" because it was dirty -- it was all I had!  So TTYL at him to be more grateful. 
In my dream ILU and the scary garden gnome hit me! So I hit him right back with my travel ladder. Man, ILY, it would've! I swung that thing hard! I was really upset, so I frolicked off to the brothel to chill with LMAO and met a WTH who told me that he was ROTFL away from the cops. So I called 911 and booked it. Then I woke up.
Now re-read the above as if everything was its "real" meaning. Confusing, right? Stop using abbrevs. It's effing annoying. 

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