
Monday, May 7, 2012

"It ain't over 'til it's over." -Yogi Berra

If you know me, you know I love baseball. If you don't know me, now you know I love baseball. Without fail, every single time I see a no-hitter or perfect game I get chills and weep of happiness. When Humber and Weaver had their amazingness during these past few weeks, I felt no emotion. Literally felt nothing. I sat unmoving and expressionless and immediately wondered what was wrong with me. 

 I was so upset that I couldn't cry, that I wanted to cry. Obviously that didn't happen. I thought maybe watching old no-hitters and the infamous "almost perfect game" video would give me something, but nothing happened. 

On Thursday I was at work when I realized it was Thursday, not Friday like I had thought. I started crying. Then the Mariano news happened and I cried again. I don't even like the Yankees, but I bawled. MY EMOTION HAD BEEN RESTORED. 

(My dad just texted me to tell me the O's v Sox are in the 16th inning. Ya'll know I've been tracking since the 6th, watching since the 12th. Yes, I do have a life, however it mainly consists of baseball. I'm writing this on Sunday, May 6th.)

But since I'm talking about baseball, I'm gonna tell you some of my favorite things to see. If you don't care, stop reading. 

This is fascinating for so many reasons. 
I love balks. I love when position players pitch (right now, Chris Davis is pitching for the Orioles). I was about 4 years old and I remember my dad calling me over to the tv to show me a Blue Jays outfielder coming in to pitch and he explained why that was special. I still think it's one of the coolest things ever. It gives me the chills (literally, right now. Reconfirms that I'm human!)

But you know what was super fantastic about this game? The Sox fan behind home plate doing the Angel wings in the 17th inning. ("Angels in the Outfield" is amazing. Joseph Gordon-Levitt? Adorable!)

Crying is the best. For happiness and for sadness, crying is always the best thing. You might say that makes me weak, but you know what I say? I say crying means my eyes are working and that I'm friggin awesome! 

Obviously there IS crying in baseball! Jim Dugan, you don't know how wrong you were. You should be ashamed of how wrong you were. 

[Now it's Monday, May 7th and the Orioles have the best record in MLB. Is this real life?]

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