
Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Vagina Monologue

Disclaimer: Don't judge me.  Or only judge me a little. Thanks in advance.
We all have things we look for in a partner. I just happen to be really type-A and felt the need to make a written list of these things. So before you keep reading, I challenge you to write 5 things you'd like to find (or require) in a partner.
During college I was constantly finding things wrong with guys, so I started my list of things that needed to be right with them. 

 --Likes/Is obsessed with baseball and football 
--Loves sushi
--Would be comfortable wearing a Hawaiian shirt in public
--will snuggle me and be the big spoon*
--will make me nachos when I'm drunk
--will buy me Chipotle when I'm hungover.
--will buy me Chipotle when I want it. ALL THE TIME.

From this list I've realized I really like Mexican food. Maybe too much. Who cares. Also, I'm not sure where the Hawaiian shirt thing came from. Maybe from watching an episode of "Psych". But basically it's a very specific way of saying I need someone who is not easily embarrassed. 
I am trying really hard to add more things to this list -- basically anything non-food related -- but I'm finding it impossible. I really like food. So much. I want to marry a sandwich. 
Guess what I just ate for lunch? Chipotle. 
*Yes I did date a guy who liked being the little spoon. I was not okay with it. He was also a complete asshole, but that's unrelated.

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