
Friday, February 8, 2013

DIY - Duct Tape Flowers!

So I still have a lot of duct tape. I'll probably have a lot of duct tape for awhile. I decided to make flowers! I'm not entirely sure if there's a good use for these, but they're certainly fun to make!

First, I rolled a good amount of green duct tape around itself to make the stem.

Then I ripped some duct tape, about 2 inches in length. (I didn't use a ruler. Just kinda eyeballed it. Don't worry if they are all a little different.)

Then, fold one corner down, leaving an "L" of sticky showing.

Fold the remaining corner, so that you're left with something that looks like this. There is probably a name for this shape, but I don't feel like looking it up.

Add the stem and fold the triangle/petal around.
Continue with this, alternating the placement of each piece.

After those 16 pieces of tape (4 pieces of each color), this is what my flower looked like. 

It was very small. And kinda sad looking.  So I repeated this process with 16 more strips. 

My final result!

Again, I have no idea what I'm going to do with this. It would probably look cute taped to the top of a gift. Or it also might not look cute. I don't know. Let me know if you have ideas for how I can use this.

Here are two other tutorials that I found. Awesome crafting blogs!

Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2

If you make these, send me a picture! Tweet me @meliswein or email me:

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