
Friday, March 29, 2013

Baseball Blog

Hi few readers! I am now part of a long running baseball blog!-
I post there every Thursday, so pop over if you like baseball, or you like me, or you like baseball AND me!

There are a number of other talented writers at BaseballRevival, all posting on different days. We are not strictly updating you on fantasy team potential. We are all sharing our genuine thoughts on the happenings in the league, may that be the color of the uniforms on St. Patrick's Day, or the statistical probability of a pitcher hitting a homerun (I don't know if either of those will be mentioned).

Check it out!

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Time I Changed My Name...

Most of you probably know my name. It's Melissa. A lot of my close friends and family call me Lis. When I was in 7th grade my mom told me the following story:

"When you were around two years old we were at the grocery store. I kept calling you 'Lis' and a woman must have though I said 'Liz' so she said 'Oh Elizabeth is so cute!'"

Upon hearing this story, I decided that I wanted to be called Liz.


I told my friends this and some of them complied. On the sign-in board at my Bat Mitzvah, my friend Angie addressed me as Liz.  I'm sure a lot of people thought she was stupid, and maybe even thought I had invited someone who wasn't as good of a friend as I had thought.  In reality, she was one of my closest friends at the time. So close, that she actually agreed to call me Liz.  There's also the possibility she thought I was delusional and was just...helping? push me further into delirium.

As a general piece of advice, please do not call me Liz.  I'll respond to it, but I won't like it. Same goes for "Mel".

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Hi everyone! With my recent return to crafting, I've opened an Etsy shop!

You can buy coasters and hair ties here.  Much more to be added soon (including planner pages and custom glitter stationery)!

Unfortunately, I am only offering US shipping at this time. If you see anything you like and you are outside of the US, send me an email or a message on Etsy and I'll make something happen!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Touched On An Airplane, Not By An Angel

If you've been reading my blog for some time, you know I sleep on airplanes a lot. And you know I sleep strangely.  Here's a new story.

About a month ago I was on a plane flying back to California after a vacation in Maryland. I fell asleep...SHOCKING. At some point, I felt something weird on my right leg.  It was really really wet. I thought maybe I was dreaming.  Dreaming that I had peed myself, or fallen sideways into a pool, so I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep.

Then, I felt something again. "Oh my gosh, I'm ACTUALLY peeing myself," I thought.  I opened my eyes only to see the man next to me trying to clean up his apple juice, which he had spilled all over his left side, and my right side. He was patting down the side of my upper right leg, with one of those plane napkins. You know, the "napkin" that has no function, because it doesn't absorb anything. It's thin and un-napkin-y. 

The good news is that I didn't pee myself (that's always something to celebrate!).  The bad news is that I had apple juice on my leg. 

But because I was really really tired, I barely acknowledged the apple juice or the man who spilled it.  My eyes opened barely enough to see what was going on. I think the man apologized but I really have no idea. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

When we finally landed I realized I had been sitting with apple juice seeping into me for about 3 hours...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day Nails!

Hi, Readers! Happy almost Valentine's Day! Or Sad almost Valentine's Day...whichever you prefer, really. 

I wanted to paint my nails festively, seeing as they had been purple (Ravens!) for about the past month, and was looking for a cute demo. I found FleurdeForce's tutorial and decided to try it!

If you want to see how it's done, keep reading (or check out Fleur's video!)

You'll need a base coat and top coat, and two colors. Of course, you can use any colors you like (pink and black would be awesome!), but in keeping with the V-Day theme I chose two pinks. And a bobby pin.
Seche Vite Ridge Filling Base - $ 7.00
Essie's Fiji - $ 7.79
Nicole By OPI - Kardashian Kolor - All Kendall-ed Up - $ 7.99
Wet N Wild - Wild Shine - Clear Nail Protector - $ 1.50
Bobby Pin

After applying my Seche Vite Base, I applied two coats of Essie's Fiji, allowing the first coat to dry before applying the second. 
I waited about 20 minutes to make sure everything was dry.

Then, I put a few drops of hot pink polish on a paper plate (using the applicator brush).  Using one end of the bobby pin, I dipped it into the polish and made two dots, side by side, on my nail. With the bobby pin, I brought the two dots together and pulled down. 

Hearts complete!

I waited another 20 minutes or so before applying a generous coat of top coat.

Send me pics if you try this! And send Fleur pics too!

Me - @meliswein
Fleur - @fleurdeforce

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I was lucky enough to get to go to Superbowl XLVII (Also known as the Harbaugh Bowl, or the Harbowl, I've decided to call it Blackout Bowl 2013. If I'm feeling extra weird I'll call it Ray's Winning Everything Bowl. Taylor Swift* is calling it Sports Ball.) in New Orleans, Louisiana to watch my beloved Baltimore Ravens take on the San Francisco 49ers.

It was my first time in New Orleans and let me tell you, it is everything I hoped it wouldn't be (in the sense that it was everything I always thought it would be...and more). It was during Mardi Gras, so on top of the crazed football fans in town for the big game, there were a lot of topless ladies.

I walked Bourbon Street aka Drunk Road. My 12 year old cousin so aptly said "Of course the people there are drunk. It's call BOURBON." I'm not worried that he knows what Bourbon is. I'm worried if he knows what it tastes like.

Then of course, it was SUPERBOWL TIME. Holy moly grand canoli it was amazing. What was really neat, was that everyone attending the game was just so thankful that one, their team was playing, and two, they they were lucky enough to get tickets, that no one was really trash talking. Sure, people we're competitive, but no one was shunning another. I thought that was cool. I'm sure you're thinking that's really lame.

I got to see a few people I hadn't seen in 5+ years. The best was one of the guys saying "Hey, maybe the Ravens can go to the Superbowl again so we can see each other!"

By now I'm sure you know the Ravens won by the smallest margin, after giving up a 22 point lead in the 3rd Quarter. I'm sure you also know that there was a blackout...a 34 minute blackout. What you probably don't know is that I didn't even realize it at first. I'm not oblivious. I was on the side of the stadium that kept power. All 72,000+ of us engaged in the wave. I also met the nice man next to me. His name was Wade. I hugged him so so tight when we won. There is a small possibility that his name was John.

Baseball season is soon, y'all. Pitchers and Catchers reported yesterday. Everyone else reports tomorrow. REPORT!

*Again, not the real  T Swift. It's a code name.

Monday, February 11, 2013

I dreamed a dream...

This has nothing to do with LES MISERABLES, so sorry if you're here because of that. I'm not sorry that I got you to visit my blog!

Aaaaaanywayyyyy. I have very vivid dreams with the weirdest plot lines. Very. Vivid. Weird. Plots. So I am going to recount some of them here, purely because I think they are so bizarre and I want to make you laugh today.

Once I had a dream that...

-I gave birth.  To a beer bottle. Then my mom made me give it up for adoption.

-the music teacher at my high school tied a bunch of us together by the wrist, with fishing line, and forced us to smoke weed.

-I was part of "The Lying Game" and Sutton and Emma were triplets. I was the third. My reveal caused some massive tension.

-I met Taylor Swift (this time I'm talking about the actual T Swift)

-I was kidnapped outside of Discovery Zone (DZ! Where I can really cut loose!)

-A guy I was dating brought me breakfast in bed. It was a Chipotle burrito bowl.

-I finally got to see what the upstairs of Val and Holly's loft looked like in "What I Like About You"

-My dog was kidnapped and recovered at Discovery Zone. Apparently dog's cut loose there, too. (I had this dream after my dog passed away...)

There was also the time I fell asleep with a bag of plastic knives under my pillow.  Surprisingly I don't remember any dreams from that night. It's probably because the knives cut into my brain and destroyed me.