
Monday, October 1, 2012

Your Eyes Say Yes But Your Lips Say No. Say What?

I love board games. Even card games. An intense game of go-fish with other employed adults gets me going all the time. Day or night. Night or day. Nightday or daynight.  I, however, do not like mind games that the boys play.

I'm by no means saying that boys are the exclusive owners of the mind game. Girls do it too, but for the sake of my rant I'm going to make me and my ladies innocent. 

I got a text from a friend last night - "Why did he kiss me? I just don't want people making moves on me if they aren't interested." Exactly. It's a sad truth. Guys will kiss us because they can, and maybe because they want to, but not necessarily because they want us. 

In the moment it's great! But the day after? The week after? How are you supposed to interact with this guy ever again and not make it awkward? If you go in all friendly, pretending nothing ever happened, he's going to think you're into him. Sometimes we're not, okay? You're not all that and a bag of chips. Sometimes your just all that. And I don't take anything that comes without chips (make it a meal at Subway...always). 

You can go the ignoring route. But that's weird too. Because it's awkward. 

There is a time in life when you can randomly make out with your friends here and there and it's okay, but then it gets to a point where it's childish and not conducive to the marriage goal. One time in college I made out with a friend of mine. I texted him a few days later asking him to snuggle - I love to snuggle! - and he responded "I'm sorry if I led you on...". Umm...IF? IF? Yes, you did lead me on. There was no need for you to kiss me if you weren't interested. (I found out later he had a girlfriend. They had become official days before - their relationship lasted almost 2 years. Impressive. Clearly she never knew he was a cheating dirt bag.)

Anyway, moral of the story. Figure out what age makes the random no consequences make-out becomes inappropriate. And then let me know. Because I'd like to know. Sooner rather than later is ideal.

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