
Friday, June 29, 2012

Flying High. Without Drugs, Plus a Plane.

Today I boarded a plane. You know all those movie scenes where people meet on an airplane and instantly fall in love, creating the greatest romance story of all time? I can't think of any of these movies, but I know I've seen them because they make me sad that I haven't fallen in love on an airplane. Maybe tomorrow?

But wait. I have fallen in love on an airplane. A few days before Thanksgiving last year I was sitting in the waiting area at O'Hare airport in Chicago and this guy sat down next to me. The area was packed and this was literally the last vacant seat. I need my space, so I wasn't thrilled about this, but I decided to just suck it up - we'd be boarding in 5 minutes. Then the gate agent announced our flight was delayed and he mispronounced our destination city. Guy next to me and I started laughing hysterically about this and proceeded to talk and talk and talk during our one hour delay. Mostly just small talk at first, but then everything got more and more personal. When it came time to board I asked if he wanted me to save him a seat - he did. We talked the entire flight (I think it was 1.5 hours) about everything. Everything.

This guy and I still talk and catch up on occassion. We continue to agree that neither of us has ever fallen that hard or that fast for any stranger.

So with that epic past I had really high hopes for today. And then a gorgeous guy sat next to me. Conversation began and about five minutes in he mentioned he was going to meet his wife for a weekend gettaway. Fantasy BUSTED. The flight was only 40 minutes and he fell asleep so I didn't feel awkward the rest of the time, except that I was nauseated and thought I might vomit on him. Oh well.

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